Posibilidades de reproducción del atún rojo, Thunnus thynnus, en cautividad
García-Gómez, A.; Díaz, M.V.; de-la-Gándara, F. (Fernando); de-la-Serna, J.M.; Belmonte, A.; Ayora, E.; Gordin, H.; Fauvel, C.; Medina, A.; Bridges, C.R.; Vassallo-Agius, R.; Mylonas, C.C.; De Metrio, G.
This paper describes results achieved in a 3-year-long research project supported by the European Commission (EU) aimed at studying the feasibility to achieve reproduction of Bluefin tuna (BFT), Thunnus thynnus, in captivity. The project involves nine partners from seven Mediterranean countries. The overall objective of this project is to improve our understanding of the reproductive physiology of BFT as the basis to develop a suitable methodology for the control of its reproduction in captivity. Results have indicated that BFT reared in captivity are able to achieve maturation and spawn, naturally or hormonally induced, and consequently get larvae by in vitro fertilization. Thus, opening the possibility to an eco-friendly and economically sustainable production of BFT in the Mediterranean.